I offer supervision online or face to face. It can be for long term or short term or ad-hoc session.
I offer supervision online and face to face.
I work integratively and integrate different models of supervision such as:
- The cyclical model
- The Seven Eye Model
- Creative supervision
- Multilingual and Multicultural framework.
-Christian counselling supervision
The seven foci of the Seven Eyed Model offer support and containment to explore the relationship with all involved (clients, supervisee, stakeholder and others), while keeping the balance between ethical concerns and the normative, restorative and reflective tasks of supervision.
The cyclical model is integrated as a container, it helps to contains the process of supervision, and offers a frame for the development of the counsellor/ psychotherapist, interlacing in the professional and the personal, integrating the skills gained, boundaries and personal qualities, while helping to develop a professional therapeutic identity. The contract and review phase of the cyclical model provide the functional working agreement while the Focus, Space and Bridge phases are holding the seven-eyed model, the multilingual framework, the Christian counselling framework, the supervision tasks (normative, formative and restorative) and the ethical framework .

Short term or ad-hoc supervision
I offer supervision short term or one off for specific issues that a counsellor might want to explore such as integrating creative way to work with client or integrating the multilingual framework to their practice.
Depending on your needs, we will agree to a set number of session.